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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 2B, L, M and T

ALBUMBLATTSalbumblatts n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
AMOBARBITALamobarbital n. (Pharmacology) A barbiturate administered especially in the form of its sodium salt C11H17N2NaO3 as…
AMOBARBITAL n. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative.
BABBLEMENTSbabblements n. Plural of babblement.
BABBLEMENT n. babble.
BOMBILATINGbombilating v. Present participle of bombilate.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
BOMBILATIONbombilation n. A humming or booming sound.
BOMBILATION n. a buzzing or droning sound, also BOMBINATION.
BRABBLEMENTbrabblement n. (Dated) A brabble; a noisy contest or wrangle.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
COMBUSTIBLEcombustible adj. Capable of burning.
combustible adj. (Figurative, dated) Easily kindled or excited; quick; fiery; irascible.
combustible n. A material that is capable of burning.
COMBUSTIBLYcombustibly adv. In a combustible manner.
COMBUSTIBLE adv. able to be burned.
GABBLEMENTSgabblements n. Plural of gabblement.
GABBLEMENT n. gabbling.
RABBLEMENTSrabblements n. Plural of rabblement.
RABBLEMENT n. a tumultuous crowd of low people, a rabble.
STUMBLEBUMSstumblebums n. Plural of stumblebum.
STUMBLEBUM n. (US) an awkward person.
SUBMITTABLEsubmittable adj. Capable of being submitted or appropriate to be submitted.
SUBMITTABLE adj. capable of being submitted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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