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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2B, 2L and S

ABOLISHABLEabolishable adj. Capable of being abolished.
ABOLISHABLE adj. able to be abolished.
ALBUMBLATTSalbumblatts n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
BALIBUNTALSbalibuntals n. Plural of balibuntal.
BALIBUNTAL n. (Tagalog) fine, closely-woven straw; a hat made of this.
BALLBUSTERSballbusters n. Plural of ballbuster.
ball-busters n. Plural of ball-buster.
BANGBELLIESbangbellies n. Plural of bangbelly.
BANGBELLY n. (Canadian) a dense cake made of cooked rice, flour, molasses, raisins, salt pork, and spices.
BARBASTELLEbarbastelle n. A relatively rare European bat, Barbastella barbastellus.
BARBASTELLE n. (French) a long-eared species of bat with hairy lips, also BARBASTEL.
BASEBALLERSbaseballers n. Plural of baseballer.
BASEBALLER n. one who plays baseball.
BASKETBALLSbasketballs n. Plural of basketball.
BASKETBALL n. a usually indoor court game between two teams of usually five players each who score by tossing an inflated ball through a raised goal.
BIBLIOPHILSbibliophils n. Plural of bibliophil.
BIBLIOPHIL n. a lover of books, also BIBLIOPHILE.
BIBLIOPOLESbibliopoles n. Plural of bibliopole.
BIBLIOPOLE n. (archaic) a bookseller, also BIBLIOPOLIST.
BLUEBOTTLESbluebottles n. Plural of bluebottle.
blue␣bottles n. Plural of blue bottle.
BLUEBOTTLE n. a large fly with metallic blue abdomen, aka blowfly.
BUTTERBALLSbutterballs n. Plural of butterball.
BUTTERBALL n. the buffel duck; also, a chubby person.
BUTTONBALLSbuttonballs n. Plural of buttonball.
BUTTONBALL n. the American plane tree, a large tree, producing rough balls, from which it is named, also BUTTONWOOD.
LANDLUBBERSlandlubbers n. Plural of landlubber.
LANDLUBBER n. a seaman's derogatory name for a landsman.
LUBBERLIESTLUBBERLY adj. like a lubber, clumsy.
MOBILISABLEmobilisable adj. Able to be readily mobilised.
MOBILISABLE adj. that can be mobilised, also MOBILIZABLE.
PUBLISHABLEpublishable adj. Able to be published.
publishable adj. Deserving to be published; worthy of publication.
PUBLISHABLE adj. that can be published.
SUBGLOBULARsubglobular adj. Nearly globular.
SUBGLOBULAR adj. having nearly the shape of a globe.
SUBUMBRELLAsubumbrella n. (Zoology) The integument of the undersurface of the bell, or disk-shaped body, of a jellyfish.
SUBUMBRELLA n. the concave undersurface of a jellyfish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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