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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2B, C, K and R

BACKBENCHERbackbencher n. (Politics) A Member of Parliament who does not have cabinet rank, and who therefore sits on one of the…
backbencher n. (Education) A student who does not perform well, especially one who sits at the back of the classroom.
backbencher n. (Sports) A member of a team who does not usually play, but who is held in reserve.
BACKBLOCKERBACKBLOCKER n. one who lives in the backblocks.
BACKBREAKERbackbreaker n. A strenuous and exhausting task, typically involving physical effort.
BACKBREAKER n. a strenuous task.
BACKBURNINGbackburning v. Present participle of backburn.
BACKBURN v. to set a fire in order to halt the spread of another fire.
BACKSTABBERbackstabber n. A traitor or hypocrite, such as a co-worker or friend assumed trustworthy but who figuratively attacks…
BACKSTABBER n. one who backstabs.
BAREBACKINGbarebacking n. (Jargon) The practice of engaging in intercourse, most often anal, without using a condom.
BAREBACKING n. the act of practising unprotected sex.
BLACKBIRDEDblackbirded v. Simple past tense and past participle of blackbird.
BLACKBIRD v. to traffic in slaves.
BLACKBIRDERblackbirder n. A person involved in blackbirding (kidnapping Pacific islanders as cheap labour).
blackbirder n. A ship used for blackbirding.
BLACKBIRDER n. (Australian slang) a person engaged in press-ganging or kidnapping labourers in the south Pacific region for work on the sugar plantations; a slave trader.
BLACKBOARDSblackboards n. Plural of blackboard.
blackboards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blackboard.
BLACKBOARD n. a hard smooth usually dark surface used esp. in a classroom for writing or drawing on with chalk.
BLOCKBOARDSblockboards n. Plural of blockboard.
BLOCKBOARD n. plywood board made of veneer enclosing thin strips of wood.
BLOCKBUSTERblockbuster n. A high-explosive bomb used for the purposes of demolishing extensive areas, such as a city block.
blockbuster n. (Informal) Something, such as a film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and…
blockbuster n. (Informal) Something, especially an event or a film, book or other creative work, that is intended to…
BREECHBLOCKbreechblock n. (Firearms) The metal block that closes the breech of a breech-loading gun after insertion of the cartridge.
BREECHBLOCK n. part of a gun.
BUCKBRUSHESbuckbrushes n. Plural of buckbrush.
BUCKBRUSH n. an American shrub.
JABBERWOCKYjabberwocky n. Invented or meaningless language; nonsense.
jabberwocky adj. Meaningless, worthless.
jabberwocky adj. Absurd, nonsense, nonsensical.
JACKRABBITSjackrabbits n. Plural of jackrabbit.
jack-rabbits n. Plural of jack-rabbit (alternative form of jackrabbits).
JACKRABBIT n. a long-eared American hare.
RUBBERNECKSrubbernecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rubberneck.
RUBBERNECK v. to look curiously at something.
STOCKJOBBERstockjobber n. (Chiefly Britain, trading) A stock exchange worker who deals only with brokers.
stockjobber n. (Britain, derogatory, trading) An unscrupulous stockbroker.
stock-jobber n. Alternative form of stockjobber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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