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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, O, Q, S and U

AQUABOARDSaquaboards n. Plural of aquaboard.
AQUABOARD n. a board for riding on the surface of water.
AQUAPHOBESaquaphobes n. Plural of aquaphobe.
AQUAPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of water.
AQUAROBICSaquarobics n. Alternative form of aquaerobics.
AQUAROBICS n. a system of exercises, similar to aerobics, performed to music in chest-high water, also AQUAEROBICS.
BLOQUISTESBloquistes n. Plural of Bloquiste.
BLOQUISTE n. (Canadian) a supporter of autonomy for Quebec.
BLOTTESQUEblottesque adj. (Art) Characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted; lacking delineation.
blottesque n. (Art) An artwork characterized by blots or heavy touches.
BLOTTESQUE adj. characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted.
BOURASQUESbourasques n. Plural of bourasque.
BOURASQUE n. (French) a tempest.
CHIBOUQUESchibouques n. Plural of chibouque.
CHIBOUQUE n. (Turkish) a long straight-stemmed Turkish tobacco pipe, also CHIBOUK.
OBSEQUIOUSobsequious adj. Excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey instructions; fawning, subservient, servile.
obsequious adj. (Archaic) Obedient; compliant with someone else’s orders or wishes.
obsequious adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to obsequies, funereal.
QUEBRACHOSquebrachos n. Plural of quebracho.
QUEBRACHO n. (Spanish) any of several tropical American trees and their timber or bark.
QUODLIBETSquodlibets n. Plural of quodlibet.
QUODLIBET n. (Latin) a philosophical or theological point proposed for disputation; a whimsical combination of familiar melodies or texts.
SOBRIQUETSsobriquets n. Plural of sobriquet.
SOBRIQUET n. (French) a nickname, also SOUBRIQUET.
SOUBRIQUETsoubriquet n. Alternative spelling of sobriquet.
SOUBRIQUET n. (French) a nickname, also SOBRIQUET.
SQUEEZEBOXsqueezebox n. (Music, informal) Synonym of accordion or concertina.
squeezebox n. Alternative form of squeeze box (“device for immobilizing an animal; box used by cavers for practising”).
squeeze␣box n. (Caving) A box with an adjustable opening used by cavers to practise crawling through tight spaces.
SUBAQUEOUSsubaqueous adj. Existing below the water surface.
subaqueous adj. Designed for underwater use.
subaqueous adj. Weak and filtered.
UBIQUITOUSubiquitous adj. Being everywhere at once: omnipresent.
ubiquitous adj. Appearing to be everywhere at once; being or seeming to be in more than one location at the same time.
ubiquitous adj. Widespread; very prevalent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 120 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 185 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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