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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, M, R, S and W

BEDWARMERSbedwarmers n. Plural of bedwarmer.
BEDWARMER n. a metal pan containing hot coals, formerly used to warm a bed.
BESWARMINGbeswarming v. Present participle of beswarm.
BESWARM v. to swarm all over.
BLINDWORMSblindworms n. Plural of blindworm.
BLINDWORM n. a slowworm.
BLOODWORMSbloodworms n. Plural of bloodworm.
blood␣worms n. Plural of blood worm.
BLOODWORM n. the larva of the midge.
BOWDLERISMbowdlerism n. A policy of bowdlerization, or censorship by removing what is considered indecent.
BOWDLERISM n. the censoring of a literary text.
BREWMASTERbrewmaster n. A person in charge of beer production at a brewery.
BREWMASTER n. the supervisor of the brewing in a brewery.
ELBOWROOMSELBOWROOM n. room to extend the elbows on each side; ample room for motion or action.
LOWBROWISMlowbrowism n. Lowbrow attitudes and policies generally.
LOWBROWISM n. the state of being a lowbrow.
MICROBREWSmicrobrews n. Plural of microbrew.
MICROBREW n. a beer produced by a microbrewery.
SAWTIMBERSsawtimbers n. Plural of sawtimber.
SAWTIMBER n. timber suitable for sawing into lumber.
SCRUBWOMANscrubwoman n. (US) A woman employed to do general housework, such as cleaning a house or office.
SCRUBWOMAN n. a woman employed to scrub.
SCRUBWOMENscrubwomen n. Plural of scrubwoman.
SCRUBWOMAN n. a woman employed to scrub.
THUMBSCREWthumbscrew n. A screw that can be turned with the thumb and fingers.
thumbscrew n. An instrument of torture used to crush the fingers.
thumbscrew n. (Figuratively) A weakness that can be taken advantage of.
WAMBENGERSwambengers n. Plural of wambenger.
WAMBENGER n. (Native Australian) a small Australian marsupial, aka tuan or phascogale.
WARMBLOODSwarmbloods n. Plural of warmblood.
WARMBLOOD n. one of a race of horses developed from pedigree bloodlines from native American mares.
WEBMASTERSwebmasters n. Plural of webmaster.
Webmasters n. Plural of Webmaster.
WEBMASTER n. a person responsible for the maintenance of a website.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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