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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing B, M, P and 2R

BROOMRAPESbroomrapes n. Plural of broomrape.
broom-rapes n. Plural of broom-rape.
broom␣rapes n. Plural of broom rape.
CRAMPBARKSCRAMPBARK n. (US) the guelder rose; its medicinal bark.
MICROPROBEmicroprobe n. (Chemistry) An instrument used to determine the chemical composition at a point on a solid surface…
MICROPROBE n. a device that produces a very thin electron beam by which the chemical makeup of various compounds may be examined.
OPPROBRIUMopprobrium n. (Countable, archaic) A cause, object, or situation of disgrace or shame.
opprobrium n. (Uncountable).
OPPROBRIUM n. something that brings disgrace; infamy, contempt.
PERMABEARSpermabears n. Plural of permabear.
PERMABEAR n. an investor who consistently acts in the expectation that the value of stocks and shares will fall.
PREEMBARGOpreembargo adj. Before an embargo.
PREEMBARGO adj. before an embargo.
PRENUMBERSprenumbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prenumber.
PRENUMBER v. to number in advance.
PROEMBRYOSproembryos n. Plural of proembryo.
PROEMBRYO n. a group of cells formed in the dividing zygote, from which part the embryo arises.
SUBPROGRAMsubprogram n. (Computing) A program contained within a larger program.
SUBPROGRAM n. a subpart of a program.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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