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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, 2L, N and V

BEVELLINGSbevellings n. Plural of bevelling.
BEVELLING n. a bevel or slant.
BIDONVILLEbidonville n. A shantytown or slum, in French-speaking regions.
BIDONVILLE n. (French) a shanty town with dwellings made from oil-drums.
INSOLVABLEinsolvable adj. Impossible to solve; insoluble.
insolvable adj. Incapable of being paid or discharged.
insolvable adj. Not capable of being loosed or disentangled; inextricable.
INSOLVABLYinsolvably adv. In an insolvable manner.
INSOLVABLE adv. not solvable.
INVALUABLEinvaluable adj. Having great or incalculable value.
invaluable adj. (Obsolete) Not valuable; worthless.
INVALUABLE adj. beyond value.
INVALUABLYinvaluably adv. In an invaluable manner; inestimably.
INVALUABLE adv. beyond value.
INVIOLABLEinviolable adj. Not violable; not to be infringed.
inviolable adj. Not susceptible to violence, or of being profaned, corrupted, or dishonoured.
inviolable adj. Incapable of being injured or invaded; indestructible.
INVIOLABLYinviolably adv. In an inviolable manner; without violation or violence of any kind.
INVIOLABLE adv. secure from violation or profanation.
UNLIVEABLEunliveable adj. Alternative spelling of unlivable.
UNLIVEABLE adj. not capable of being lived, also UNLIVABLE.
UNLOVEABLEunloveable adj. Alternative spelling of unlovable.
UNLOVEABLE adj. not capable of being loved, also UNLOVABLE.
UNSOLVABLEunsolvable adj. Not solvable.
unsolvable n. A problem that cannot be solved.
UNSOLVABLE adj. not solvable.
UNSOLVABLYunsolvably adv. Such that it cannot be solved.
UNVALUABLEunvaluable adj. (Obsolete) Invaluable; beyond price.
unvaluable adj. (Rare) Not valuable; having little value.
UNVALUABLE adj. not valuable.
VENTILABLEventilable adj. Capable of being ventilated.
VENTILABLE adj. that can be ventilated.
VERBALLINGverballing n. The putting of damaging remarks into the mouths of suspects during police interrogation.
VERBAL v. to take a police statement.
VULNERABLEvulnerable adj. More or most likely to be exposed to the chance of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
vulnerable adj. (Computing) More likely to be exposed to malicious programs or viruses.
VULNERABLE adj. that can be hurt.
VULNERABLYvulnerably adv. In a vulnerable manner.
VULNERABLE adv. that can be hurt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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