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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, I, M, U and Y

BERYLLIUMSberylliums n. Plural of beryllium.
BERYLLIUM n. a metallic element.
BIGAMOUSLYbigamously adv. In a bigamous manner.
BIGAMOUS adv. guilty of bigamy.
BIMANUALLYbimanually adv. Using both hands.
BIMANUAL adv. done with two hands.
BUMBLINGLYbumblingly adv. In a bumbling manner.
BUMBLING adv. clumsy.
CYMBIDIUMScymbidiums n. Plural of cymbidium.
CYMBIDIUM n. a kind of tropical orchid.
EMBRYULCIAembryulcia n. (Surgery, archaic) The forcible extraction of the fetus.
EMBRYULCIA n. forcible extraction of a foetus.
FUMBLINGLYfumblingly adv. In a fumbling manner; while fumbling.
FUMBLING adv. FUMBLE, to handle clumsily.
HUMBLINGLYhumblingly adv. In a humbling way.
HUMBLING adv. making humble.
INCUMBENCYincumbency n. The state of being incumbent.
incumbency n. An obligation or duty.
incumbency n. A tenure.
JUMBLINGLYjumblingly adv. So as to jumble or confuse.
JUMBLING adv. JUMBLE, to mix in a disordered manner.
MORIBUNDLYmoribundly adv. In a moribund way.
MORIBUND adv. being about to die.
MULIEBRITYmuliebrity n. (Literary) The state or quality of being a woman; the features of a woman’s nature; femininity, womanhood.
muliebrity n. (Literary) The state of attainment of womanhood following maidenhood.
muliebrity n. (Physiology) The state of puberty in a female.
MUMBLINGLYmumblingly adv. With a mumbling sound.
MUMBLING adv. making a mumbling sound.
MUTABILITYmutability n. The quality or state of being mutable.
MUTABILITY n. the quality of being mutable.
RUMBLINGLYrumblingly adv. With a rumbling sound; in a rumbling manner.
YTTERBIUMSytterbiums n. Plural of ytterbium.
YTTERBIUM n. (Swedish) a rare element of the boron group.
YUMBERRIESyumberries n. Plural of yumberry.
YUMBERRY n. the purple-red edible fruit of an East Asian tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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