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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, G, M, T and U

AMBULATINGambulating v. Present participle of ambulate.
AMBULATE v. to walk; to move about.
BEMOUTHINGbemouthing v. Present participle of bemouth.
BEMOUTH v. (archaic) to mouth about.
BESMUTTINGbesmutting v. Present participle of besmut.
BESMUT v. to blacken with soot.
BETHUMBINGbethumbing v. Present participle of bethumb.
BETHUMB v. to wear or soil with one's thumb.
BETHUMPINGbethumping v. Present participle of bethump.
BETHUMP v. to thump soundly.
BIGMOUTHEDbigmouthed adj. (Of a person) Loud or talkative, especially in an indiscreet manner.
bigmouthed adj. Having a large mouth.
big-mouthed adj. Alternative spelling of bigmouthed.
COMBUSTINGcombusting v. Present participle of combust.
COMBUST v. to burn.
GRUMBLIESTgrumbliest adj. Superlative form of grumbly: most grumbly.
GRUMBLY adj. muttering in discontent.
LIMBURGITElimburgite n. A dark volcanic rock resembling basalt and consisting essentially of olivine and augite with a brownish…
LIMBURGITE n. a volcanic rock composed of olivine and augite in a fine-grained or glassy groundmass.
MINIBUDGETminibudget n. A small budget.
minibudget n. (Chiefly UK, finance) A budget statement proposed by a government between annual budgets, involving…
mini-budget n. Alternative form of minibudget.
OUTBEAMINGoutbeaming adj. Shining outward.
OUTBEAM v. to surpass in beaming.
OUTGAMBLEDoutgambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
OUTGAMBLESoutgambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
SUBMITTINGsubmitting v. Present participle of submit.
submitting n. (Rare, formal) A submission.
SUBMITTING n. the act of submitting.
SUBSEGMENTsubsegment n. A segment wholly contained in another.
SUBSEGMENT n. a subdivision of a segment.
TAMBOURINGtambouring v. Present participle of tambour.
TAMBOUR v. to embroider on a round wooden frame.
THINGUMBOBthingumbob n. Alternative form of thingamabob.
THUMBLINGSthumblings n. Plural of thumbling.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.
TUMBLEBUGStumblebugs n. Plural of tumblebug.
TUMBLEBUG n. a dung beetle, that rolls up balls of dung for protection and nourishment of young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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