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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, F, N and 2R

AFTERBRAINafterbrain n. (Anatomy) A posterior subdivision of the hindbrain; the myelencephalon.
AFTERBRAIN n. a nontechnical name for the myelencephalon.
AFTERBURNSafterburns n. Plural of afterburn.
AFTERBURN n. the burning of additional calories post-exercise.
BEFRIENDERbefriender n. One who befriends.
BEFRIENDER n. one who befriends others.
BRAINFARTSbrainfarts n. Plural of brainfart.
brain-farts n. Plural of brain-fart.
brain␣farts n. Plural of brain fart.
BREAKFRONTbreakfront n. (Chiefly attributive) Any piece of furniture (especially a bookcase or cabinet) that has a central section…
BREAKFRONT n. a kind of cabinet with center beyond ends.
CARBOFURANcarbofuran n. (Chemistry) A highly toxic carbamate pesticide used on field crops.
FIREBRANDSfirebrands n. Plural of firebrand.
FIREBRAND n. a flaming stick; a hot-tempered person.
FIRSTBORNSfirstborns n. Plural of firstborn.
FIRSTBORN n. the first in order of birth, the eldest child.
FORBEARANTforbearant adj. Forbearing.
FORBEARANT adj. (obsolete) forbearing.
FORBEARINGforbearing n. Forbearance; restraint.
forbearing adj. Characterized by patience and indulgence; long-suffering.
forbearing v. Present participle of forbear.
FOREBRAINSforebrains n. Plural of forebrain.
FOREBRAIN n. the anterior region of the embryonic brain.
INFERRABLEinferrable adj. Alternative spelling of inferable.
INFERRABLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERIBLE, INFERRIBLE.
INFERRIBLEinferrible adj. Synonym of inferable.
INFERRIBLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERIBLE, INFERRABLE.
INTERFIBERinterfiber adj. Between fibers.
INTERFIBER adj. between fibers, also INTERFIBRE.
INTERFIBREinterfibre adj. Alternative form of interfiber.
INTERFIBRE adj. occurring or situated between two or more fibres, also INTERFIBER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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