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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, E, H, O and V

AVOUCHABLEavouchable adj. Capable of being avouched.
AVOUCHABLE adj. (archaic) capable of being avouched.
BEHAVIORALbehavioral adj. (American spelling) Of or relating to behavior.
BEHAVIORAL adj. (US) relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIOURAL.
BEHAVIOURSbehaviours n. Plural of behaviour.
BEHAVIOUR n. conduct, also BEHAVIOR.
BOLSHEVIKIbolsheviki n. Plural of bolshevik.
Bolsheviki n. Plural of Bolshevik.
BOLSHEVIK n. (Russian) a violent revolutionary.
BOLSHEVIKSbolsheviks n. Plural of bolshevik.
Bolsheviks n. Plural of Bolshevik.
BOLSHEVIK n. (Russian) a violent revolutionary.
BOLSHEVISEbolshevise v. Alternative form of bolshevize.
BOLSHEVISE v. to make a bolshevik, also BOLSHEVIZE.
BOLSHEVISMbolshevism n. Alternative letter-case form of Bolshevism.
Bolshevism n. The strategy used by the Bolsheviks in attempting to gain power in Russia.
Bolshevism n. The Communist political ideology adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the…
BOLSHEVIZEbolshevize v. (Transitive) To make Bolshevik.
BOLSHEVIZE v. to make a bolshevik, also BOLSHEVISE.
BOSCHVELDSBOSCHVELD n. (South African) veld made up largely of woodland, also BUSHVELD.
HERBIVORESherbivores n. Plural of herbivore.
HERBIVORE n. an organism that eats plants or other autotrophic organisms.
HOVERBOARDhoverboard n. (Chiefly science fiction) A levitating board that can be ridden in the manner of a surfboard or skateboard.
hoverboard n. A small self-balancing two-wheeled motorised vehicle, related to a scooter.
hoverboard v. (Chiefly science fiction) To travel by hoverboard.
OVERBLEACHoverbleach v. (Transitive) To bleach too much.
OVERBLEACH v. to bleach to excess.
OVERBOUGHToverbought adj. (Finance) Of a stock or commodity market condition: where there has been significant trading bidding…
OVERBUY v. to buy too much.
OVERBRIGHToverbright adj. Too bright.
OVERBRIGHT adj. excessively bright.
VIBRAPHONEvibraphone n. A percussion instrument with a double row of tuned metal bars, each above the tubular resonator containing…
VIBRAPHONE n. an instrument having metal bars under which are electrically-operated resonators, played by striking the bars with small hammers, also VIBRAHARP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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