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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, E, G, O and V

ABROGATIVEabrogative adj. Tending or designed to abrogate.
ABROGATIVE adj. relating to annulment.
BEVOMITINGbevomiting v. Present participle of bevomit.
BEVOMIT v. to vomit all over.
FORGIVABLEforgivable adj. Able to be forgiven; worthy of forgiveness.
forgivable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Of a loan, or a portion of it: such that repayment may be deferred for a period…
FORGIVABLE adj. that can be forgiven.
GLOVEBOXESgloveboxes n. Plural of glovebox.
glove␣boxes n. Plural of glove box.
GLOVEBOX n. a compartment in a car for gloves etc.
GOVERNABLEgovernable adj. Capable of being governed or subjected to authority; amenable to law or rule.
GOVERNABLE adj. that can be governed.
OBLIGATIVEobligative adj. Synonym of obligatory.
OBLIGATIVE adj. causing obligation.
OVERBAKINGoverbaking v. Present participle of overbake.
OVERBAKE v. to bake too long.
OVERBOUGHToverbought adj. (Finance) Of a stock or commodity market condition: where there has been significant trading bidding…
OVERBUY v. to buy too much.
OVERBRIDGEoverbridge n. (Britain) A bridge that allows traffic to pass over a road, river, railway etc.
overbridge v. (Transitive) To form a bridge over; to overarch.
over␣bridge n. Alternative form of overbridge.
OVERBRIGHToverbright adj. Too bright.
OVERBRIGHT adj. excessively bright.
OVERBUYINGoverbuying v. Present participle of overbuy.
OVERBUY v. to buy too much.
PROVERBINGproverbing v. Present participle of proverb.
PROVERB v. to speak of proverbially.
VAGABONDEDvagabonded v. Simple past tense and past participle of vagabond.
VAGABOND v. to live like a vagrant.
VERGEBOARDvergeboard n. A barge board.
VERGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable, aka bargeboard.
VOYAGEABLEvoyageable adj. That may be sailed over; navigable.
VOYAGEABLE adj. that may be sailed over, as water or air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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