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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, E, G, K and L

BACKLOGGEDbacklogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of backlog.
backlogged adj. Having an excessive list of tasks to do, especially tasks that should have already been performed.
BACKLOG v. to accumulate.
BECHALKINGbechalking v. Present participle of bechalk.
BECHALK v. to cover with chalk.
BECLOAKINGbecloaking v. Present participle of becloak.
BECLOAK v. to place a cloak on.
BEFLECKINGbeflecking v. Present participle of befleck.
BEFLECK v. to cover with flecks.
BLACKENINGblackening v. Present participle of blacken.
blackening n. (Uncountable) The act or process of turning (becoming) black#Adjective in colour.
blackening n. (Countable) The result or an instance of such an act or process; a black stain#Noun or mark#Noun.
BLACKGAMESblackgames n. Plural of blackgame.
BLACKGAME n. black grouse.
BLANKETINGblanketing v. Present participle of blanket.
blanketing n. (Uncountable, countable) Cloth for making blankets.
blanketing n. (Countable) A layer of something that covers like a blanket.
BLINKERINGblinkering v. Present participle of blinker.
BLINKER v. to put blinkers on.
BLITZKRIEGblitzkrieg n. A fast military offensive, typically involving a large and highly mobile tank force with air support.
BLITZKRIEG n. (German) a rapid advance in warfare.
BRIDGELIKEbridgelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bridge.
bridgelike adj. Similar to the card game of bridge.
BRIDGELIKE adj. like a bridge.
BUCKLERINGbucklering v. Present participle of buckler.
BUCKLER v. (Shakespeare) to protect, shield.
GAOLBREAKSgaolbreaks n. Plural of gaolbreak.
GAOLBREAK v. to break out of gaol, also JAILBREAK.
GAOLBROKENGAOLBREAK v. to break out of gaol, also JAILBREAK.
KLANGFARBEKLANGFARBE n. (German) tone-colour; timbre.
REBUKINGLYrebukingly adv. In a rebuking manner.
REBUKING adv. REBUKE, to reprove sternly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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