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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, E, 2F and I

AFFILIABLEaffiliable adj. Capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.
AFFILIABLE adj. capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.
AFFIRMABLEaffirmable adj. Able to be affirmed.
AFFIRMABLE adj. that can be affirmed.
BEMUFFLINGbemuffling v. Present participle of bemuffle.
BEMUFFLE v. to wrap or muffle.
BOFFINIESTBOFFINY adj. like a boffin, a scientific expert.
BUFFERINGSBUFFERING n. the act of using a buffer.
BUFFETINGSbuffetings n. Plural of buffeting.
BUFFETING n. the act of striking with a buffet.
CHIFFOROBEchifforobe n. A piece of furniture consisting of a wardrobe combined with a chest of drawers.
CHIFFOROBE n. a combination of wardrobe and chest of drawers.
DIFFUSIBLEdiffusible adj. Able to be diffused.
DIFFUSIBLE adj. capable of being diffused.
EFFECTIBLEeffectible adj. (Dated, 1600s) Capable of being done or achieved.
EFFECTIBLE adj. capable of being done or achieved.
FEBRIFUGALfebrifugal adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or preventing fever.
FEBRIFUGAL adj. having the quality of mitigating or curing fever.
FEBRIFUGESfebrifuges n. Plural of febrifuge.
FEBRIFUGE n. something which reduces fever.
FIBERFILLSfiberfills n. Plural of fiberfill.
FIBERFILL n. (US) synthetic fibres used as a filling material, also FIBREFILL.
FIBREFILLSfibrefills n. Plural of fibrefill.
FIBREFILL n. synthetic fibres used as a filling material, also FIBERFILL.
SUBOFFICERsubofficer n. An under or subordinate officer.
SUBOFFICER n. an under or subordinate officer.
SUBOFFICESsuboffices n. Plural of suboffice.
SUBOFFICE n. part of an office.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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