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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, D, I, N and P

BEDIMPLINGbedimpling v. Present participle of bedimple.
BEDIMPLE v. to make a small impression in.
BEDROPPINGbedropping v. Present participle of bedrop.
BEDROP v. to sprinkle as with drops.
BEDSPRINGSbedsprings n. Plural of bedspring.
BEDSPRING n. the spring of a bed.
BESPEEDINGbespeeding v. Present participle of bespeed.
BESPEED v. to help on.
DIPLOBIONTdiplobiont n. (Biology) Any organism in which haploid and diploid generations alternate.
DIPLOBIONT n. an organism that has both haploid and diploid individuals in its life cycle.
PANBROILEDpanbroiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of panbroil.
pan-broiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pan-broil.
PANBROIL v. to fry in a pan with little or no fat.
PITCHBENDSPITCHBEND n. a device that enables a player to bend the pitch of a note on a synthesiser.
PREBIDDINGPREBIDDING n. the act of bidding in advance.
PREBINDINGprebinding v. Present participle of prebind.
PREBIND v. to bind in durable materials for library use.
PROBENECIDprobenecid n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic sulfur-containing compound which promotes increased excretion of uric acid…
PROBENECID n. a drug that acts on renal tubular function.
PURBLINDLYpurblindly adv. In a purblind manner.
PURBLIND adv. partially blind.
SPELLBINDSspellbinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spellbind.
SPELLBIND v. to bind by or as by a spell.
UNBAPTISEDunbaptised adj. Alternative spelling of unbaptized.
UNBAPTISE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTIZE.
UNBAPTIZEDunbaptized adj. Not baptized.
UNBAPTIZE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTISE.
UNBISHOPEDunbishoped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbishop.
UNBISHOP v. to deprive of the status of bishop.
UPBRAIDINGupbraiding v. Present participle of upbraid.
upbraiding adj. Reproachful; chiding; censorious.
upbraiding n. An instance of severe criticism or rebuke.
UPBUILDINGupbuilding v. Present participle of upbuild.
upbuilding n. The process of building something up; gradual development or accumulation.
UPBUILDING n. development; edification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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