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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2M and S

COLUMBIUMScolumbiums n. Plural of columbium.
COLUMBIUM n. a rare element of the vanadium group, now more commonly called niobium.
COMBRETUMScombretums n. Plural of combretum.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
CUMBERSOMEcumbersome adj. Burdensome or hindering, as if a weight or drag; vexatious.
cumbersome adj. Not easily managed or handled; awkward; clumsy.
cumbersome adj. Hard, difficult, demanding to handle or get around with.
CYMBIDIUMScymbidiums n. Plural of cymbidium.
CYMBIDIUM n. a kind of tropical orchid.
EMBOLISMICembolismic adj. Relating to embolism or intercalation.
EMBOLISMIC adj. pertaining to an embolism, the presence of one or more obstructing blood-clots in a blood vessel, also EMBOLIC.
EXCAMBIUMSEXCAMBIUM n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBION.
IMMISCIBLEimmiscible adj. (Physics) Of two or more liquids that are not mutually soluble: unmixable.
IMMISCIBLE adj. not capable of being mixed or mingled.
IMMISCIBLYimmiscibly adv. In an immiscible fashion.
IMMISCIBLE adv. not capable of being mixed or mingled.
LAMBDACISMlambdacism n. (Phonology) A pronunciation shift whereby /l/ or other closely related phonemes are substituted for…
LAMBDACISM n. a fault in speaking or in composition, which consists in too frequent use of the letter l, or in doubling it erroneously, also LABDACISM.
MICROBEAMSmicrobeams n. Plural of microbeam.
MICROBEAM n. a beam of radiation of small cross-section.
MISBECOMESmisbecomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbecome.
MISBECOME v. (archaic) to be unbecoming to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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