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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing B, C, G, H and U

BRAUNCHINGbraunching v. Present participle of braunch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
BUNCHGRASSbunchgrass n. Any of various grasses of the family Poaceae that grow in clumps rather than forming a sod or mat.
BUNCHGRASS n. a kind of West American grass, that grows in clumps.
BUTCHERINGbutchering v. Present participle of butcher.
butchering n. The act by which someone or something is butchered; a slaughter or killing.
BUTCHERING n. slaughtering.
DEBAUCHINGdebauching v. Present participle of debauch.
DEBAUCH v. to lead into lewdness, also DEBOSH.
DEBOUCHINGdebouching v. Present participle of debouche.
DEBOUCH v. to emerge or issue from a narrow area into the open.
DOUCHEBAGSdouchebags n. Plural of douchebag.
douche␣bags n. Plural of douche bag.
DOUCHEBAG n. a despicable person.
NIGHTCLUBSnightclubs n. Plural of nightclub.
nightclubs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nightclub.
night␣clubs n. Plural of night club.
PLOUGHBACKplough␣back v. To reinvest profits into a business.
PLOUGHBACK n. the reinvestment of profits, also PLOWBACK.
ROUGHBACKSROUGHBACK n. a rough-skinned flatfish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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