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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, C, D, I and P

BRACHIOPODbrachiopod n. Any of many marine invertebrates, of the phylum Brachiopoda, that have bivalve dorsal and ventral shells…
BRACHIOPOD n. a bivalve marine invertebrate.
BROADPIECEbroadpiece n. (Historical) An old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, such as a Carolus or Jacobus.
BROADPIECE n. an old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.
CARBIDOPASCARBIDOPA n. a drug given to people with Parkinson's disease in order to inhibit peripheral metabolism of levodopa.
CHIPBOARDSchipboards n. Plural of chipboard.
CHIPBOARD n. reconstructed wood made from compressed chippings.
CLIPBOARDSclipboards n. Plural of clipboard.
clip␣boards n. Plural of clip board.
CLIPBOARD n. a portable board with a spring clip for holding papers.
CRISPBREADcrispbread n. A type of flat, dry bread or cracker, usually baked of rye flour, popular in the Nordic countries.
crisp␣bread n. Alternative spelling of crispbread.
CRISPBREAD n. a brittle, unsweetened type of biscuit.
DECEPTIBLEdeceptible adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being deceived.
DECEPTIBLE adj. capable of being deceived; deceivable.
DESPICABLEdespicable adj. Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean.
despicable n. A wretched or wicked person.
DESPICABLE adj. worthy of being despised.
DESPICABLYdespicably adv. In a despicable or mean manner; contemptibly.
DESPICABLE adv. worthy of being despised.
DUPLICABLEduplicable adj. Capable of being duplicated.
DUPLICABLE adj. that can be duplicated.
PICKBACKEDPICKBACK v. to carry someone on one's back, also PICKABACK, PICKAPACK, PIGGYBACK.
PITCHBENDSPITCHBEND n. a device that enables a player to bend the pitch of a note on a synthesiser.
PREDICABLEpredicable adj. Capable of being predicated or affirmed of something; affirmable; attributable.
predicable adj. (Grammar, of an adjective) That may be used in the predicate of a sentence, especially following a form…
predicable n. Anything affirmable of another; especially, a general attribute or notion as affirmable of, or applicable…
PRESCRIBEDprescribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of prescribe.
prescribed adj. Of a procedure, specified to a great degree of detail; established as following a strict procedure or set of rules.
PRESCRIBE v. to lay down a rule or direction.
PROBENECIDprobenecid n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic sulfur-containing compound which promotes increased excretion of uric acid…
PROBENECID n. a drug that acts on renal tubular function.
PRODUCIBLEproducible adj. Able to be produced.
PRODUCIBLE adj. capable of being produced.
PROSCRIBEDproscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of proscribe.
PROSCRIBE v. to forbid, esp. by law.
PUBLICISEDpublicised v. Simple past tense and past participle of publicise.
PUBLICISE v. to make public, also PUBLICIZE.
PUBLICIZEDpublicized v. Simple past tense and past participle of publicize.
PUBLICIZE v. to make public, also PUBLICISE.
TROPICBIRDtropicbird n. Any of the various seabirds of the family Phaethontidae, typically found in the open ocean in the tropics.
TROPICBIRD n. any aquatic bird of the tropical family Phaethontidae, having long slender tail feathers and a white plumage with black markings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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