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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, 2C, T and U

ACCUBATIONaccubation n. The act or posture of reclining on a couch, as practiced by the ancients at meals.
ACCUBATION n. the act of reclining while eating.
BACKCOURTSbackcourts n. Plural of backcourt.
BACKCOURT n. in lawn tennis, that part of the court lying behind the service line.
BUCCINATORbuccinator n. (Anatomy) A thin broad muscle forming the wall of the cheek.
BUCCINATOR n. a flat cheek muscle used in chewing and blowing.
CATACUMBALcatacumbal adj. Of or relating to a catacomb.
CATACUMBAL adj. relating to a catacomb.
COACHBUILTcoachbuilt adj. Alternative form of coach-built.
coach-built adj. (Of a vehicle) Having specially built bodywork, built to order.
COACHBUILT adj. of a vehicle body, built to individula specifications by coachbuilders.
COUNTBACKScountbacks n. Plural of countback.
COUNTBACK n. a system of deciding the winner of a tied competition by comparing earlier points or scores.
CRUMBCLOTHcrumbcloth n. A cloth laid under a dining table to receive falling fragments and keep the carpet or floor clean.
CRUMBCLOTH n. a cloth laid under a table to keep crumbs from the carpet.
CUBICITIESCUBICITY n. the state of being cubic.
CUCURBITALcucurbital adj. Cucurbitaceous.
CUCURBITAL adj. of or like a cucurbit.
SUBARCTICSsubarctics n. Plural of subarctic.
SUBARCTIC n. the zone just below the arctic circle.
SUBCIRCUITsubcircuit n. A distinct part of an electrical or other circuit.
subcircuit n. (Mathematics) A subset of a circuit.
SUBCIRCUIT n. a part of a circuit.
SUBCOMPACTsubcompact n. Something that is smaller than the compact version, especially a very small car.
SUBCOMPACT n. a small car, such as a sports car.
TOUCHBACKStouchbacks n. Plural of touchback.
TOUCHBACK n. a play in which the ball is dead on or behind a team's own goal line, having been put across the line by an opponent but actually put down by a member of that team.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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