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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, 2C, I and M

BACTEREMICbacteremic adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to or having bacteremia (having bacteria in the blood).
BACTEREMIC adj. having bacteria in the blood, also BACTERAEMIC.
CHERUBIMICcherubimic adj. Of or relating to cherubim.
CHERUBIMIC adj. like a cherub.
CHOLIAMBICcholiambic adj. (Poetry) Employing or relating to choliambs, or limping iambs.
choliambic n. (Poetry) A choliamb.
CHOLIAMBIC n. a verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last, also CHOLIAMB.
CHORIAMBICchoriambic adj. Of or relating to a choriamb.
choriambic n. A choriamb.
CHORIAMBIC n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBUS.
CIBACHROMECibachrome n. A reproduction of a film transparency on photopaper, made using a dye-destruction positive-to-positive…
CIBACHROME n. a type of colour print made directly form a colour transparency.
CICISBEISMcicisbeism n. The state or conduct of a cicisbeo.
CICISBEISM n. the state or conduct of a cicisbeo.
CYBERCRIMEcybercrime n. Crime committed using computer networks.
cybercrime n. An individual crime of this kind.
CYBERCRIME n. computer-related crime.
IMBROCCATAimbroccata n. (Obsolete) A hit or thrust.
IMBROCCATA n. (Italian) a downward pass or thrust in fencing.
IMPECCABLEimpeccable adj. Perfect, without faults, flaws or errors.
impeccable adj. Incapable of wrongdoing or sin; immaculate.
IMPECCABLE adj. faultless, flawless.
IMPECCABLYimpeccably adv. In a perfect or flawless manner.
IMPECCABLE adv. faultless, flawless.
INCUMBENCYincumbency n. The state of being incumbent.
incumbency n. An obligation or duty.
incumbency n. A tenure.
MOBOCRATICmobocratic adj. Of or pertaining to mobocracy.
MOBOCRATIC adj. relating to mobocracy, government by mobs or crowds, also MOBOCRATICAL.
SUCCUMBINGsuccumbing v. Present participle of succumb.
SUCCUMB v. to yield to superior force.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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