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There are 17 words containing B, F, H and K

HALFBACKhalfback n. (Field sports) Any of various positions on the field of play between the forwards and the fullbacks.
halfback n. (Field sports) A player who occupies one of these positions.
halfback v. To play in the position of halfback.
HALFBEAKhalfbeak n. (Zoology) Any slender, marine fish of the family Hemiramphidae, having the upper jaw much shorter than…
HALFBEAK n. a fish with a spearlike underjaw.
BACKFISCHbackfisch n. A teenage or late-adolescent girl.
BACKFISCH n. (German) a young girl, a flapper.
BLACKFISHblackfish n. (Chiefly Scotland) The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, especially a female after spawning.
blackfish n. Any of various dark-coloured fish of the Old World, especially the rudderfish (Centrolophus niger).
blackfish n. A pilot whale, genus Globicephalus (occasionally also used for various other whales).
BOOKSHELFbookshelf n. A shelf or shelves for storing books for easy visual reference.
BOOKSHELF n. a shelf for books.
FIGHTBACKfightback n. A campaign of resistance; a counterattack.
fight␣back v. (Intransitive) to defend oneself by fighting.
fight␣back v. (Intransitive) to counterattack; to resist an attack.
FISHYBACKFISHYBACK n. (US) transportation of freight containers and trailers by ship or barge.
FLASHBACKflashback n. (Authorship) A dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow…
flashback n. (Psychology) A vivid mental image of a past trauma or other sensation that the trauma is happening in…
flashback n. A similar recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug.
HALFBACKShalfbacks n. Plural of halfback.
half-backs n. Plural of half-back.
HALFBACK n. a position in football.
HALFBEAKShalfbeaks n. Plural of halfbeak.
HALFBEAK n. a fish with a spearlike underjaw.
FIGHTBACKSfightbacks n. Plural of fightback.
FIGHTBACK n. a recovery.
FISHYBACKSFISHYBACK n. (US) transportation of freight containers and trailers by ship or barge.
FLASHBACKSflashbacks n. Plural of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
BACKFISCHESbackfisches n. Plural of backfisch.
BACKFISCH n. (German) a young girl, a flapper.
BLACKFISHESblackfishes n. Plural of blackfish.
BLACKFISH n. a colloquial name for various species of fish.
FLASHBACKEDflashbacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
FLASHBACKINGflashbacking v. Present participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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