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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, 2T and W

BATHWATERbathwater n. The water used in a bath (bathtub).
bath␣water n. Alternative form of bathwater.
BATHWATER n. the water in a bath.
BEDWETTERbedwetter n. A person who (habitually) urinates in his or her bed (during sleep).
bedwetter n. (Derogatory) A cowardly person.
bed-wetter n. Alternative form of bedwetter.
BEWETTINGbewetting v. Present participle of bewet.
BEWET v. (Shakespeare) to make wet.
BIRTHWORTbirthwort n. Any plant species of the genus Aristolochia.
birthwort n. Birthroot, Trillium erectum.
BIRTHWORT n. a plant formerly reputed to help parturition, also BIRTHROOT.
BLUTWURSTblutwurst n. (US) A blood sausage, blood pudding.
BLUTWURST n. (German) a kind of German sausage.
BRATWURSTbratwurst n. A small pork sausage, usually served fried.
BRATWURST n. (German) a type of German sausage.
BYTOWNITEbytownite n. (Mineralogy) A plagioclase feldspar, the fifth member of the Albite-Anorthite solid solution series…
BYTOWNITE n. a plagioclase intermediate between anorthite and labradorite.
SUBTWEETSsubtweets n. Plural of subtweet.
subtweets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subtweet.
SUBTWEET v. (on the Twitter application) to post a message about (another user), usually negative in its content, but not explicitly naming him or her.
TWEETABLEtweetable adj. (Internet, neologism) Capable of, or deserving of being sent as a message on the Twitter microblogging service.
TWEETABLE adj. (of a message) short enough to be posted on the Twitter website.
TWISTABLEtwistable adj. Capable of being twisted.
TWISTABLE adj. that can be twisted.
WAISTBELTwaistbelt n. A belt (a band or strap) worn around the waist, especially when part of a larger article, such as a backpack.
WAISTBELT n. a belt worn round the waist e.g. for carrying money.
WESTABOUTwestabout adj. Westward, heading west.
westabout adv. Westwards, heading west.
WESTABOUT adj. towards the west.
WHITEBAITwhitebait n. The young of various species of fish, especially herrings, sprats or smelts.
whitebait n. Food prepared from such fish, often deep fried and served as a starter or snack.
whitebait v. (Intransitive) To fish for whitebait.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 74 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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