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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, 2O and Z

BAMBOOZLEbamboozle v. (Transitive, informal) To con, defraud, trick, to make a fool of, to humbug or impose on someone.
bamboozle v. (Transitive, informal) To confuse, frustrate or perplex.
bamboozle n. (Obsolete, informal) A cheat, hoax, or imposition.
BOOZINESSbooziness n. The state or condition of being boozy.
BOOZINESS n. the state of being boozy.
BOUZOUKIAbouzoukia n. A Greek nightclub playing traditional Greek music.
bouzoukia n. Alternative form of bouzouki (“musical instrument”).
BOUZOUKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek long-necked lute with 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings, also BAZOUKI, BOUSOUKI, BUZUKI.
BOUZOUKISbouzoukis n. Plural of bouzouki.
BOUZOUKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek long-necked lute with 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings, also BAZOUKI, BOUSOUKI, BUZUKI.
BRYOZOANSbryozoans n. Plural of bryozoan.
BRYOZOAN n. a type of small aquatic animal, also POLYZOAN.
ROBOTIZEDrobotized v. Simple past tense and past participle of robotize.
robotized adj. Like or having characteristics of a robot; automated.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
ROBOTIZESrobotizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of robotize.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
ZAMBOORAKzamboorak n. A light swivelling gun, traditionally mounted on, and fired from, the back of a camel.
ZAMBOORAK n. (Urdu) a small swivel-gun, esp. one mounted on the back of a camel, also ZOMBORUK, ZUMBOORUK.
ZEBRAWOODzebrawood n. Any wood with a figure (grain pattern) like the striping of a zebra, most often wood of the genus Microberlinia.
ZEBRAWOOD n. a kind of cabinet wood having beautiful black, brown, and whitish stripes, the timber of a tropical American tree.
ZOMBORUKSzomboruks n. Plural of zomboruk.
ZOMBORUK n. (Urdu) a small swivel-gun, esp. one mounted on the back of a camel, also ZAMBOORAK, ZUMBOORUK.
ZOOBIOTICZOOBIOTIC adj. parasitic on, or living in association with, an animal.
ZOOBLASTSzooblasts n. Plural of zooblast.
ZOOBLAST n. an animal cell.
ZOOPHOBESzoophobes n. Plural of zoophobe.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.
ZOOPHOBIAzoophobia n. An unusual fear of animals.
zoöphobia n. Alternative spelling of zoophobia.
ZOOPHOBIA n. fear of animals.
ZORBONAUTzorbonaut n. (Sports) One who zorbs.
ZORBONAUT n. one who engages in zorbing.
ZUMBOORUKzumbooruk n. Alternative spelling of zamburak.
ZUMBOORUK n. (Urdu) a small swivel-gun, esp. one mounted on the back of a camel, also ZAMBOORAK, ZOMBORUK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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