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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing B, 2L and X

BIAXIALLYbiaxially adv. In a biaxial fashion; along two axes.
BIAXIAL adv. having two axes, also BIAXAL.
BOLLIXINGbollixing v. Present participle of bollix.
BOLLIX v. to make a mess of, also BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BOLLOXINGbolloxing v. Present participle of bollox.
BOLLOX v. to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS.
BOXWALLAHboxwallah n. (India, historical) An Indian pedlar who sold goods from a box or trunk.
BOXWALLAH n. (Hindi) a pedlar; a businessman.
EXHALABLEexhalable adj. Capable of being exhaled or evaporated.
EXHALABLE adj. capable of being exhaled or evaporated.
HELLBOXEShellboxes n. Plural of hellbox.
HELLBOX n. a printer's receptacle for broken type.
PILLBOXESpillboxes n. Plural of pillbox.
pill-boxes n. Plural of pill-box.
PILLBOX n. a small box for pills.
RELAXABLErelaxable adj. Able to be relaxed; capable of being relaxed.
RELAXABLE adj. that can be relaxed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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