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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing B, 2H and L

BATHOLITHbatholith n. (Geology) A large irregular mass of intrusive igneous rock that has melted or forced itself into surrounding strata.
BATHOLITH n. a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth, also BATHOLITE, BATHYLITE, BATHYLITH.
BATHYLITHBATHYLITH n. a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth, also BATHOLITE, BATHOLITH, BATHYLITE.
HABDALAHSHABDALAH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish ceremony or prayer marking the close of a Sabbath, also HAVDALAH, HAVDOLOH.
HALOPHOBEhalophobe n. (Biology) Any halophobic organism.
HALOPHOBE n. a plant that cannot survive in salty soil.
HATCHABLEhatchable adj. (Of an egg) able, or liable, to hatch.
HATCHABLE adj. that can be hatched.
HELLBROTHhellbroth n. A brew used in black magic.
HELLBROTH n. a composition for infernal purposes; a magical preparation.
HIGHBALLShighballs n. Plural of highball.
HIGHBALL v. to go at great speed.
THUMBHOLEthumbhole n. A hole designed to receive a thumb.
THUMBHOLE n. a hole to insert the thumb in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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