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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing B, G, L and Z

BLAZINGLYblazingly adv. With or like a blaze; bright and fiery.
blazingly adv. Extremely quickly.
BLAZING adv. BLAZE, to burn with a strong flame.
BLAZONINGblazoning n. The action of the verb to blazon; the activity of describing heraldic coats of arms.
blazoning v. Present participle of blazon.
BLAZONING n. the act of reading a coat of arms.
BUZZINGLYbuzzingly adv. While buzzing, or in a buzzing fashion.
BUZZING adv. busy, vibrant.
EMBLAZINGemblazing v. Present participle of emblaze.
EMBLAZE v. to set on fire, also IMBLAZE.
GLOBALIZEglobalize v. (Transitive) to make something global in scope.
GLOBALIZE v. to make global, also GLOBALISE.
GRAZEABLEgrazeable adj. (Of land) Suitable for grazing animals.
GRAZEABLE adj. that can be grazed, also GRAZABLE.
IMBLAZINGimblazing v. Present participle of imblaze.
IMBLAZE v. to adorn with glittering embellishments, also EMBLAZE.
OBELIZINGobelizing v. Present participle of obelize.
OBELIZE v. to mark with an obelus, also OBELISE.
SLEAZEBAGsleazebag n. (Slang) A morally reprehensible, disreputable, or sleazy person.
SLEAZEBAG n. a sleazy person, esp. one who tries to take advantage of women.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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