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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, G, H and M

AMBUSHINGambushing v. Present participle of ambush.
ambushing n. An ambush.
AMBUSH v. to attack from a concealed place.
BERGMEHLSBERGMEHL n. (German) a powdery deposit of diatom frustules, aka kieselguhr.
BERHYMINGberhyming v. Present participle of berhyme.
BERHYME v. to compose in rhyme, also BERIME.
BESHAMINGbeshaming v. Present participle of beshame.
BESHAME v. (archaic) to put to shame.
BIGMOUTHSbigmouths n. Plural of bigmouth.
big␣mouths n. Plural of big mouth.
BIGMOUTH n. a loud conceited person.
BOMBSIGHTbombsight n. A device which allows bombs to be accurately dropped from moving aircraft so as to hit a desired target.
BOMBSIGHT n. a device for aiming and releasing bombs from a bomber.
BROUGHAMSbroughams n. Plural of brougham.
BROUGHAM n. a one-horse closed carriage.
EMBATHINGembathing v. Present participle of embathe.
EMBATHE v. to bathe, also IMBATHE.
HAMBONINGhamboning v. Present participle of hambone.
HAMBONE v. to overact, also HAM.
HAMBURGERhamburger n. A hot sandwich consisting of a patty of cooked ground beef or a meat substitute, in a sliced bun, sometimes…
hamburger n. The patty used in such a sandwich.
hamburger n. (Uncountable) Ground beef, especially that intended to be made into hamburgers.
HUMBLINGShumblings n. Plural of humbling.
HUMBLING n. the act of humbling.
HUMBUGGEDhumbugged v. Simple past tense and past participle of humbug.
HUMBUG v. to deceive.
HUMBUGGERhumbugger n. (Dated) One who humbugs; a cheat or swindler.
HUMBUGGER n. one who humbugs, deceives.
IMBATHINGimbathing v. Present participle of imbathe.
IMBATHE v. (archaic) to bathe, also EMBATHE.
RHUMBAINGrhumbaing v. Present participle of rhumba.
RHUMBA v. (Spanish) to dance a lively Spanish dance, also RUMBA.
SHAMBLINGshambling v. Present participle of shamble.
shambling adj. Who walks while dragging or shuffling the feet.
shambling n. An awkward, irregular gait.
THIMBLINGthimbling n. Gerund of thimble: the act of using a thimble.
thimbling n. Synonym of thimblerigging (“the act of cheating (someone) in a thimblerig game, or by trickery”).
thimbling v. Present participle of thimble.
THUMBLINGthumbling n. A tiny, thumb-sized person; manikin.
thumbling n. Anything small, comparable to the size of a human thumb.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.
WHOMBLINGwhombling v. Present participle of whomble.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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