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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, 2G and T

BEGETTINGbegetting v. Present participle of beget.
begetting n. The act or product of one who begets.
BEGET v. to cause to exist.
BEGIFTINGbegifting n. The act or process of giving or bestowing gifts; endowment.
begifting v. Present participle of begift.
BEGIFT v. to present with gifts.
BIGGETIERBIGGETY adj. conceited, also BIGGITY.
BIGGITIERBIGGITY adj. conceited, also BIGGETY.
BLIGHTINGblighting v. Present participle of blight.
blighting n. The act by which something is blighted.
BLIGHTING adj. causing decay.
BLOGGIESTBLOGGY adj. characteristic of blogging.
BLUGGIESTbluggiest adj. Superlative form of bluggy: most bluggy.
BLUGGY adj. (colloquial) bloody.
BOGARTINGbogarting v. Present participle of bogart.
BOGART v. to monopolise something, keep something esp. a marijuana cigarette to oneself.
BRAGGARTSbraggarts n. Plural of braggart.
BRAGGART n. a boaster.
BRAGGIESTbraggiest adj. Superlative form of braggy: most braggy.
BRAGGY adj. tending to brag.
BUDGETINGbudgeting n. The activity of constructing a budget.
budgeting v. Present participle of budget.
BUDGETING n. the act of operating a budget.
EGGBEATEReggbeater n. A kitchen utensil that uses rotating blades to beat eggs.
eggbeater n. (Uncommon, possibly dated) A (wire) whisk.
eggbeater n. A swimming stroke involving alternating kicks.
GAMBITINGgambiting v. Present participle of gambit.
GAMBIT v. to sacrifice in order to gain.
GIBBETINGgibbeting v. (US) present participle of gibbet.
gibbeting n. The act by which somebody is gibbeted.
GIBBET v. to execute by hanging.
GIGABYTESgigabytes n. Plural of gigabyte.
GIGABYTE n. a unit of information, a thousand million bytes.
OUTBEGGEDoutbegged v. Simple past tense and past participle of outbeg.
OUTBEG v. to surpass in begging.
TABOGGANStaboggans n. Plural of taboggan.
taboggans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taboggan.
TABOGGAN v. to sledge on a taboggan.
TARBOGGINtarboggin n. Alternative spelling of toboggan.
tarboggin v. Alternative spelling of toboggan.
TARBOGGIN n. a kind of sledge.
TOBOGGANStoboggans n. Plural of toboggan.
toboggans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toboggan.
TOBOGGAN v. to sledge by toboggan.
TOBOGGINStoboggins n. Plural of toboggin.
toboggins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toboggin.
TOBOGGIN v. to travel by toboggin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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