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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2B, G and H

BOBSLEIGHbobsleigh n. (Obsolete) A sleigh for saw logs or heavy timber resting on two pairs of two short runners.
bobsleigh n. (Uncountable, UK) A winter sport in which teams make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked purpose-built…
bobsleigh n. (UK) The sled used in the sport of bobsleigh.
BOBWEIGHTbobweight n. A counterweight on part of a machine.
bobweight n. A weight fixed to the trim tab of an aircraft that brings the nose down at low airspeeds (to avoid stalling).
BOBWEIGHT n. a balance weight.
BOMBSIGHTbombsight n. A device which allows bombs to be accurately dropped from moving aircraft so as to hit a desired target.
BOMBSIGHT n. a device for aiming and releasing bombs from a bomber.
GIBBERISHgibberish n. Speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless.
gibberish n. Needlessly obscure or overly technical language.
gibberish n. (Uncountable) A language game, comparable to pig Latin, in which one inserts a nonsense syllable before…
HOBBLINGShobblings n. Plural of hobbling.
HOBBLING n. the act of fastening the legs.
HOBGOBLINhobgoblin n. A small, ugly goblin that makes trouble for humans.
hobgoblin n. (By extension) A source of dread, fear or apprehension; a bugbear.
HOBGOBLIN n. a mischievous fairy; a frightful apparition.
LIGHTBULBlightbulb n. Alternative spelling of light bulb.
lightbulb n. (Singapore, colloquial) An uninvited third person joining a couple’s date who prevents or hinders romantic…
light-bulb n. Alternative form of light bulb.
REHABBINGrehabbing v. Present participle of rehab.
REHAB v. to restore to a good condition.
SHRUBBINGshrubbing v. Present participle of shrub.
SHRUB v. to lop; to cudgel.
THROBBINGthrobbing v. Present participle of throb.
throbbing adj. Beating or pounding strongly.
throbbing n. That which throbs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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