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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2B, E and P

BEBOPPERSbeboppers n. Plural of bebopper.
BEBOPPER n. one who plays bebop, a kind of jazz music, also BOPPER.
BEBOPPINGbebopping v. Present participle of bebop.
BEBOP v. to play a style of jazz.
PEBBLIESTpebbliest adj. Superlative form of pebbly: most pebbly.
PEBBLY adj. resembling pebbles.
PEBBLINGSpebblings n. Plural of pebbling.
PEBBLING n. in the sport of curling, the act of sprinkling the ice with drops of hot water to slow the stone down.
PEBIBYTESpebibytes n. Plural of pebibyte.
PEBIBYTE n. two to the power of fifty bytes.
PHENOBARBphenobarb n. (Informal, uncountable) The drug phenobarbital or phenobarbitone.
phenobarb n. (Informal, countable) A tablet of the drug.
PHENOBARB n. (short for) phenobarbitol.
PLEBBIESTPLEBBY adj. (colloquial) vulgar, plebeian.
PLUMBABLEplumbable adj. Capable (as depths) of being plumbed.
PLUMBABLE adj. that can be plumbed.
PREABSORBpreabsorb v. (Transitive) To absorb prior to another process.
PREABSORB v. to absorb beforehand.
PREFABBEDprefabbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of prefab.
PREFAB v. (short for) prefabricate, to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.
PROBABLESprobables n. Plural of probable.
PROBABLE n. something probable.
PROBEABLEprobeable adj. Able to be probed.
PROBEABLE adj. that can be probed.
SUPERBOMBsuperbomb n. An extremely powerful bomb, especially the atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb.
SUPERBOMB n. a very big bomb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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