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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing B and 3U

BUSUUTISbusuutis n. Plural of busuuti.
BUSUUTI n. a long garment with a square neckline worn by Ugandan women.
SUBUCULAsubucula n. (Historical) A man’s undergarment or shirt.
subucula n. (Historical) In the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBUCULA n. (Latin) in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUCCUBUSsuccubus n. (Mediaeval folklore) A female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce…
succubus n. A strumpet, whore or prostitute.
SUCCUBUS n. (Latin) a female demon, also SUCCUBA.
TUBULOUStubulous adj. Shaped like a tube; tubular.
tubulous adj. Constructed of, or containing tubular parts.
TUBULUREtubulure n. (Chemistry) A short tubular opening at the top of a retort, or at the top or side of a bottle; a tubulation.
TUBULURE n. a short tubular opening.
UNUNBIUMununbium n. The former systematic element name for the chemical element with atomic number 112 (symbol Uub), which…
UNUNBIUM n. a synthetic chemical element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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