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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, T, U and W

BLOWOUTSblowouts n. Plural of blowout.
blow-outs n. Plural of blow-out.
BLOWOUT n. an irregular depression excavated by wind, usually in previously deposited blown sand.
BLOWTUBEblowtube n. A blowpipe (Used in metallurgy, etc.).
blowtube n. (Rare) A blowgun.
BLOWTUBE n. a long straight tube from which an arrow, pellet, etc. is blown by the breath, also BLOWGUN, BLOWPIPE.
BOWHUNTSBOWHUNT v. to hunt with a bow and arrow.
BROWNOUTbrownout n. A period of low alternating current line voltage, causing a reduction in illumination.
brownout n. Temporary dimming of vision, usually with a brown hue and accompanied by loss of peripheral vision or tunnel vision.
brownout n. Temporary closing of a fire station, usually due to budget restrictions.
BUGWORTSbugworts n. Plural of bugwort.
BUGWORT n. a perennial white-flowered herb of the buttercup family, aka bugbane.
DRAWTUBEdrawtube n. The tube that is drawn out in order to expand a telescope.
DRAWTUBE n. a tube that slides within another tube.
MOWBURNTmowburnt adj. (Obsolete) Of hay: stacked before it is sufficiently dry, leading to excessive fermentation and sometimes toxicity.
MOWBURN v. to heat and ferment.
NUTBROWNnutbrown adj. (Rare) Alternative form of nut-brown.
nut-brown adj. Brown as a ripe and dried nut.
NUTBROWN adj. of a dark brown.
OUTBAWLSoutbawls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbawl.
OUTBAWL v. to surpass in bawling.
OUTBRAWLoutbrawl v. (Transitive) To surpass in brawling.
OUTBRAWL v. to surpass in brawling.
STEWBUMSstewbums n. Plural of stewbum.
STEWBUM n. a drunken bum.
SUBTWEETsubtweet n. (Social media, neologism) A tweet that refers to another user without tagging their name in the message…
subtweet v. (Social media, neologism) To post a message of this kind.
subtweet v. (By extension, neologism, transitive) To speak obliquely about (a person).
TUBEWELLtubewell n. Alternative form of tube well.
tube␣well n. A well in which a stainless steel tube is bored directly down into an aquifer.
TUBEWELL n. a water well in which a long steel tube is bored into an underground aquifer.
TUBEWORKtubework n. An assemblage of tubes.
TUBEWORK n. tubing.
TUBEWORMtubeworm n. Any of many marine polychaete worms, mostly of the family Serpulidae, which construct permanent calcareous…
tube␣worm n. Alternative form of tubeworm.
TUBEWORM n. a marine worm that builds and lives in a tube.
WASHTUBSwashtubs n. Plural of washtub.
wash␣tubs n. Plural of wash tub.
WASHTUB n. a tub used for washing clothes.
WATERBUSwaterbus n. Alternative spelling of water bus.
water␣bus n. A boat that operates like a bus, as a means of public transport.
WATERBUS n. a large motorboat for carrying passengers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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