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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, R, W and Y

BEWRAYEDbewrayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bewray.
BEWRAY v. (archaic) to reveal unintentionally, esp. the existence, presence, or true character of (a person or thing).
BEWRAYERbewrayer n. (Archaic) A betrayer or divulger.
BEWRAYER n. one who, or that which, bewrays.
BODYWORKbodywork n. The exterior body of a motor vehicle.
bodywork n. The repair of a such body.
bodywork n. The application of physical therapy as a preventive measure.
BRAWNILYbrawnily adv. In a brawny manner.
BRAWNY adv. strongly built.
BROADWAYbroadway n. An esplanade.
broadway n. (Poker slang) A straight from ace to ten in Texas hold ’em.
Broadway prop.n. A street name, typically for a wide road; a broad way.
BUSYWORKbusywork n. Alternative spelling of busy work.
busy-work n. Alternative spelling of busy work.
busy␣work n. (Idiomatic, chiefly US) Work or activity performed with the intention or result of occupying time, and…
BYWONERSbywoners n. Plural of bywoner.
BYWONER n. (South African) the subtenant of a farm; an agricultural labourer, also BIJWONER.
COWBERRYcowberry n. A shrub native to the cool temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere (Vaccinium vitis-idaea).
cowberry n. The berry of this shrub.
COWBERRY n. the red whortleberry.
CYBERWARcyberwar n. (Uncountable) Cyberwarfare.
cyberwar n. (Countable) A cyberwarfare war.
CYBERWAR n. crippling an enemy state's computer communication.
DEWBERRYdewberry n. Small brambles of the genus Rubus which have stems that trail along the ground.
dewberry n. The purple to black berries of these plants.
Dewberry prop.n. A village in Alberta, Canada.
EYEBROWSeyebrows n. Plural of eyebrow.
eyebrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eyebrow.
eye␣brows n. Alternative form of eyebrows.
RAINBOWYrainbowy adj. Resembling a rainbow.
rainbowy adj. Pertaining to a positively viewed diversity in gender and/or sexuality.
RAINBOWY adj. full of rainbows.
WAXBERRYwaxberry n. The bayberry.
waxberry n. The snowberry.
waxberry n. The yangmei.
WAYBOARDwayboard n. (Geology, mining) A thin layer or band of rock that separates or defines the boundaries of thicker strata.
WAYBOARD n. a thin geological seam separating larger strata, also WEIGHBOARD.
WAYBREADwaybread n. The Eurasian plantain (Plantago major).
WAYBREAD n. the common dooryard plantain.
WORKABLYworkably adv. In an workable fashion.
WORKABLE adv. capable of being done.
WRYBILLSwrybills n. Plural of wrybill.
WRYBILL n. a New Zealand bird related to the plovers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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