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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing B, O, T and Z

BAROMETZbarometz n. (Mythology) A purported zoophyte, half-animal and half-plant, said to grow in the form of a sheep.
barometz n. The golden chicken fern or woolly fern (Cibotium barometz), the rhizomes of which are covered in furry…
BAROMETZ n. (Russian) a fabulous Russian creature, half plant and half sheep.
BENZOATEbenzoate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of benzoic acid.
BENZOATE n. a salt of benzoic acid.
BOOZIESTbooziest adj. Superlative form of boozy: most boozy.
BOOZY adj. inclined to booze, also BOOZEY, BOUSY.
BOTANIZEbotanize v. To do the work of a botanist, as to inventory the plant life in an area and to collect plants for research purposes.
BOTANIZE v. to collect plants for study, also BOTANISE.
BOZZETTIbozzetti n. Plural of bozzetto.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
BOZZETTObozzetto n. (Art) A small scale model used to make a larger sculpture.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
BRONZITEbronzite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of enstatite, often with a bronze-like lustre.
BRONZITE n. a variety of the mineral enstatite with bronze-like lustre.
OUTBLAZEoutblaze v. (Transitive) To shine or burn more brightly or intensely than.
OUTBLAZE v. to surpass in brilliance of light.
ROBOTIZErobotize v. (Transitive) To give something (or someone) the characteristics of a robot.
robotize v. (Transitive) To automate, especially by making use of robots.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
ZOOBLASTzooblast n. Any animal cell.
ZOOBLAST n. an animal cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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