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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing B, M, O and Z

BAROMETZbarometz n. (Mythology) A purported zoophyte, half-animal and half-plant, said to grow in the form of a sheep.
barometz n. The golden chicken fern or woolly fern (Cibotium barometz), the rhizomes of which are covered in furry…
BAROMETZ n. (Russian) a fabulous Russian creature, half plant and half sheep.
BROMIZEDbromized v. Simple past tense and past participle of bromize.
BROMIZE v. to treat with bromine, also BROMISE.
BROMIZESbromizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bromize.
BROMIZE v. to treat with bromine, also BROMISE.
EMBLAZONemblazon v. (Transitive) To adorn with prominent markings.
emblazon v. (Transitive) To inscribe upon.
emblazon v. (Transitive, heraldry) To draw (a coat of arms).
EMBOLIZEembolize v. To perform an embolization.
EMBOLIZE v. to cause an embolism, also EMBOLISE.
JUMBOIZEjumboize v. (Nautical) To lengthen a ship replacing an existing section with a longer section or inserting an additional section.
JUMBOIZE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOISE.
MOBILIZEmobilize v. (Transitive) To make something mobile.
mobilize v. (Transitive) To assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war.
mobilize v. (Intransitive, of troops) To get ready for war.
RIBOZYMEribozyme n. A fragment of RNA that can act as an enzyme.
RIBOZYME n. a RNA derived molecular.
ZAMBOMBAzambomba n. A Spanish friction drum, consisting of a ceramic pot with a skin and a pole in the middle. To play it…
ZAMBOMBA n. (Spanish) a Spanish musical instrument consisting of parchment over a jar.
ZOMBIISMzombiism n. The condition of being a zombie.
ZOMBIISM n. belief in zombies.
ZOMBORUKzomboruk n. Rare spelling of zamburak.
ZOMBORUK n. (Urdu) a small swivel-gun, esp. one mounted on the back of a camel, also ZAMBOORAK, ZUMBOORUK.
ZOOMABLEzoomable adj. (Graphical user interface) Supporting a zoom (magnification) facility.
ZOOMABLE adj. capable of being viewed at various levels of detail and magnification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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