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There are 15 eight-letter words containing B, F and 2U

BLUSHFULblushful adj. Full of blushes.
BLUSHFUL adj. of a red colour.
BUMFLUFFbumfluff n. (Australia, Britain, New Zealand, derogatory) The first, sparse beard growth of an adolescent.
bum-fluff n. Alternative form of bumfluff.
bum␣fluff n. Alternative form of bumfluff.
BUMFUCKSbumfucks n. Plural of bumfuck.
bumfucks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bumfuck.
BUMFUCK n. (offensive US slang) a remote or insignificant place.
BUSULFANbusulfan n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
BUSULFAN n. a drug used to treat leukaemia.
DOUBTFULdoubtful adj. Subject to, or causing doubt.
doubtful adj. Experiencing or showing doubt, sceptical.
doubtful adj. Undecided or of uncertain outcome.
FABULOUSfabulous adj. Of or relating to fable, myth or legend.
fabulous adj. Characteristic of fables; marvelous, extraordinary, incredible.
fabulous adj. Fictional or not believable; made up.
FAUBOURGfaubourg n. An outlying part of a city or town, beyond the walls; a suburb, especially of Paris.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FLUBDUBSflubdubs n. Plural of flubdub.
FLUBDUB n. pretentious nonsense.
FURIBUNDfuribund adj. (Formal, literary) Having a propensity to be furious; choleric, irate.
FURIBUND adj. (obsolete) raging.
OUTBLUFFoutbluff v. (Transitive) To surpass in bluffing.
OUTBLUFF v. to surpass in bluffing.
SUBFEUEDsubfeued v. Simple past tense and past participle of subfeu.
SUBFEU v. to grant land to under Scottish feudal law.
SUBFLUIDsubfluid n. A substance that is partly fluid, or between solid and liquid.
SUBFLUID adj. somewhat fluid.
SUBFUSCSsubfuscs n. Plural of subfusc.
sub-fuscs n. Plural of sub-fusc.
sub␣fuscs n. Plural of sub fusc.
SUBFUSKSSUBFUSK n. dark, formal clothes worn in combination with the academic gown, esp. at Oxford University, also SUBFUSC.
TUBEFULStubefuls n. Plural of tubeful.
TUBEFUL n. as much as a tube can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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