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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing B, E, K and W

BAKEWAREbakeware n. Cooking equipment intended for use inside an oven.
BAKEWARE n. heat-resistant dishes suitable for use in an oven.
BEADWORKbeadwork n. Decorative work involving beads.
BEADWORK n. decorative work done with beads.
BETHWACKbethwack v. (Transitive) To pelt, thrash, or cudgel soundly.
BETHWACK v. to thrash soundly.
BIKEWAYSbikeways n. Plural of bikeway.
BIKEWAY n. (US) a route set aside for bicycles.
BIWEEKLYbiweekly adj. Occurring once every two weeks; fortnightly.
biweekly adj. Occurring twice a week.
biweekly adv. Every two weeks.
BOWLLIKEbowllike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bowl.
BOWLLIKE adj. concave.
BREWSKISbrewskis n. Plural of brewski.
BREWSKI n. (colloquial) beer.
DAWBAKESDAWBAKE n. (dialect) a slow-witted person.
HAWKBELLhawkbell n. A small round metal bell used in falconry, attached to the leg of the bird.
HAWKBELL n. a small bell attached to a hawk's leg.
KNOWABLEknowable adj. Capable of being known, understood or comprehended.
KNOWABLE adj. able to be known.
SKEWBACKskewback n. (Architecture) The side of an arch; the course of masonry on the top of an abutment with a slope for…
SKEWBACK n. a sloping surface against which the end of an arch rests.
SKEWBALDskewbald adj. (Of horses) Marked with patches of white and non-black colours.
skewbald n. A skewbald horse.
SKEWBALD n. a horse with brown and white patches.
TUBEWORKtubework n. An assemblage of tubes.
TUBEWORK n. tubing.
VIEWBOOKviewbook n. An illustrated promotional booklet for an academic institution.
VIEWBOOK n. a promotional booklet with pictures published by a college or university.
WALKABLEwalkable adj. Able to be walked; suitable for pedestrians.
walkable adj. Short enough or close enough to be accessible by walking.
WALKABLE adj. able to be walked.
WEBWORKSwebworks n. Plural of webwork.
WEBWORK n. a weblike pattern or structure.
WOMBLIKEwomblike adj. Resembling a womb or uterus in shape or function.
womblike adj. Resembling an infant’s experience of the womb.
WOMBLIKE adj. like a womb.
WORKABLEworkable adj. Capable of functioning.
workable adj. Able to be worked or fashioned.
WORKABLE adj. capable of being done.
ZWIEBACKzwieback n. A usually sweetened bread enriched with eggs that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and…
ZWIEBACK n. (German) a usually sweetened bread that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and crisp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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