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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2B, U and Y

BELLBUOYbell␣buoy n. A buoy on which is mounted a bell with four clappers, hung inside an iron cage, which is rung by the…
BELLBUOY n. a buoy having a bell.
BLUBBERYblubbery adj. Having the characteristics of blubber.
blubbery adj. Fat or obese.
blubbery adj. With much blubbering.
BULLYBOYbullyboy n. Alternative form of bully boy.
bully-boy n. Alternative form of bully boy.
bully␣boy n. A tough, aggressive man, especially one who is young.
BUSHBABYbushbaby n. An small, nocturnal, African primate, similar to a lemur.
bush␣baby n. Alternative form of bushbaby.
BUSHBABY n. a small African tree-living primate with large eyes.
BUSYBODYbusybody n. Someone who interferes with others; one who is nosy, intrusive or meddlesome.
busybody v. (Intransitive) To meddle or interfere.
busy␣body n. Alternative spelling of busybody.
BUYABLESbuyables n. Plural of buyable.
BUYABLE n. something available for purchase.
BUYBACKSbuybacks n. Plural of buyback.
buy-backs n. Plural of buy-back.
buy␣backs n. Plural of buy back.
CHUBBILYchubbily adv. In a chubby manner.
CHUBBY adv. plump, short, and thick.
CLUBBILYclubbily adv. In a clubby manner.
CLUBBY adv. characteristic of a club.
DYBBUKIMdybbukim n. Plural of dybbuk.
DYBBUK n. (Yiddish) a wandering soul in Jewish folklore, also DIBBUK.
GRUBBILYgrubbily adv. In a grubby manner.
GRUBBY adv. dirty.
LUBBERLYlubberly adj. Clumsy and stupid; resembling a lubber (an inexperienced person).
lubberly adj. Lacking in seamanship; of or suitable to a landlubber who is new to being at sea and unfamiliar with…
lubberly adv. In the manner of a landlubber.
RHUBARBYrhubarby adj. Resembling or characteristic of rhubarb.
RHUBARBY adj. like rhubarb.
RUBBISHYrubbishy adj. Strewn with litter.
rubbishy adj. Of little or no value; worthless.
RUBBISHY adj. like rubbish, also RUBBISHLY.
RUBBYDUBrubby-dub n. (Slang) A drunkard who drinks alcohol in non-beverage form, e.g. rubbing alcohol or canned heat.
RUBBYDUB n. (slang) an alcoholic who will substitute any liquid inebriant should ethanol become unavailable, including rubbing alcohol.
STUBBILYstubbily adv. In a stubby way.
STUBBY adv. short and squat.
SYLLABUBsyllabub n. A drink dating back to the 16th century consisting primarily of milk curdled with an alcoholic beverage…
syllabub n. Also everlasting syllabub or solid syllabub: a dessert pudding derived from the drink.
syllabub n. (Dated, figuratively) Something lacking substance; something frothy, insubstantial, or lightweight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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