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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2B, N and Y

BABYCINObabycino n. A drink of frothed milk without coffee.
BABYCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCCINO.
BABYMOONbabymoon n. A period of calm spent together by a newborn baby and its parents.
babymoon n. A last vacation taken by expectant parents before a baby is born.
babymoon v. To travel on or spend a babymoon.
HOBNOBBYhobnobby adj. Casually chatty; on familiar speaking terms.
HOBNOBBY adj. sociable, given to hobnobbing.
LOBBYINGlobbying v. Present participle of lobby.
lobbying n. The act of one who lobbies.
LOBBYING n. the act of lobbying.
NABOBERYnabobery n. The behaviour of a nabob.
NABOBERY n. (Urdu) the state of being a nabob.
NEBBISHYnebbishy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nebbish.
NEBBISHY adj. like a nebbish, wimpy.
RIBBONRYribbonry n. Ribbons collectively.
RIBBONRY n. ribbons collectively.
SNOBBERYsnobbery n. The property or trait of being a snob.
SNOBBERY n. snobbish behaviour.
SNOBBILYsnobbily adv. In a snobby manner; snobbishly.
SNOBBY adv. snobbish.
TABBYINGtabbying v. Present participle of tabby.
TABBY v. to water silk to cause it look wavy.
YABBYINGyabbying v. Present participle of yabby.
YABBY v. to catch yabbies, also YABBIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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