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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2B, D and M

BABELDOMbabeldom n. Alternative form of Babeldom.
Babeldom n. A confused mix of voices, languages, or words and ideas.
Babeldom n. A state of noisy confusion and chaotic activity.
BABUDOMSBABUDOM n. the state of being a babu, a Hindoo gentleman, also BABUISM.
BEDUMBEDbedumbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedumb.
BEDUMB v. to render speechless.
BENUMBEDbenumbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of benumb.
benumbed adj. Lacking sensation; numb.
benumbed adj. Lacking emotion or interest; dulled.
BOMBARDEBombarde n. (Music) A powerful, brassy reed stop on an organ of 8’, 16’ or 32’.
BOMBARDE n. an alto wind instrument similar to the oboe.
BOMBARDSbombards n. Plural of bombard.
bombards n. (Obsolete) Padded breeches.
bombards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bombard.
BOMBLOADbombload n. The amount of ordnance held by a bomber aircraft.
BOMBLOAD n. as many bombs as a plane may carry.
BOMBYCIDbombycid n. (Zoology) Any of the moths of the family Bombycidae.
BOMBYCID n. a silkworm.
BRAMBLEDbrambled adj. Overgrown with brambles.
BRAMBLE v. to gather blackberries.
BUMBAZEDbumbazed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bumbaze.
BUMBAZE v. (Scots) to perplex, bamboozle.
DEMOBBEDdemobbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of demob.
DEMOB v. to discharge from military service.
DIBBUKIMdibbukim n. Plural of dibbuk.
DIBBUK n. (Yiddish) a wandering soul in Jewish folklore, also DYBBUK.
DIVEBOMBdivebomb v. (Of an aircraft) To bomb whilst in a steep dive.
divebomb v. (Of a bird) To attack (especially the head of) a person or animal that strays into their territory.
divebomb v. (Auto racing) To attempt an overtake by braking very late on corner entry.
DUMBBELLdumbbell n. A weight training implement consisting of a short bar with weight counterpoised on each end.
dumbbell n. (Derogatory) A stupid person.
dumb-bell n. Alternative form of dumbbell.
DYBBUKIMdybbukim n. Plural of dybbuk.
DYBBUK n. (Yiddish) a wandering soul in Jewish folklore, also DIBBUK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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