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There are 9 seven-letter words containing B, U and 2Z

BUZZARDbuzzard n. Any of several Old World birds of prey of the genus Buteo with broad wings and a broad tail.
buzzard n. (North America) Any scavenging bird, such as the American black vulture (Coragyps atratus) or the turkey…
buzzard n. (Colloquial, derogatory, slang, often preceded by "old", the "old buzzard") In North America, a curmudgeonly…
BUZZCUTbuzzcut n. (US, Canada) A closely-cropped military-style haircut.
buzz␣cut n. Alternative form of buzzcut.
BUZZCUT n. a very short haircut.
BUZZERSbuzzers n. Plural of buzzer.
BUZZER n. an apparatus that makes a buzzing sound.
BUZZIERbuzzier adj. Comparative form of buzzy: more buzzy.
BUZZY adj. having a buzzing quality.
BUZZINGbuzzing n. Gerund of buzz.
buzzing n. The sound produced by something that buzzes.
buzzing v. Present participle of buzz.
BUZZSAWbuzzsaw n. A circular saw.
buzzsaw n. (Slang) Someone or something that makes a loud, harsh, grinding or rasping noise, like that of a circular saw.
buzzsaw n. (Slang) The MG 42 general-purpose machine gun.
BUZZWIGBUZZWIG n. a large thick wig.
FUZZBOXfuzzbox n. Alternative spelling of fuzz box.
fuzz␣box n. An effects pedal comprising an amplifier and a clipping circuit, used in music to generate a distorted…
FUZZBOX n. an electronic device used to distort the sound of e.g. an electric guitar.
HUMBUZZhumbuzz n. (UK, dialect) The cockchafer.
HUMBUZZ n. (dialect) a cockchafer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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