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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing B, S, T and X

BAXTERSbaxters n. Plural of baxter.
BAXTER n. (obsolete) a baker.
BOSTRYXbostryx n. (Botany) A helicoid cyme.
BOSTRYX n. (Greek) a type of inflorescence, a way in which flower stems are arranged.
BOXIESTboxiest adj. Superlative form of boxy: most boxy.
BOXY adj. like a box.
BOXTIESboxties n. Plural of boxty.
BOXTY n. an Irish dish of potato griddlecakes, eaten with various fillings.
LISTBOXlistbox n. Alternative form of list box.
list␣box n. (Graphical user interface) A GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list…
LISTBOX n. a box on a computer screen that contains a list of options.
POSTBOXpostbox n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post-box n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post␣box n. A box in which post can be left by a sender to be picked up by a courier or postman (postal worker).
SALTBOXsaltbox n. A box for keeping salt in.
saltbox n. A similar box formerly used as a percussion instrument in burlesque music.
saltbox n. (US) a distinctively-shaped wooden-frame house with two storeys at the front and one behind, characteristic…
SAXTUBAsaxtuba n. An obsolete valved brasswind instrument inspired by the Ancient Roman cornu and tuba.
sax␣tuba n. (Music) saxhorn.
SAXTUBA n. a bass saxhorn.
SUBTAXAsubtaxa n. Plural of subtaxon (Elements within a taxon).
SUBTAXON n. a subdivision of a taxon.
SUBTEXTsubtext n. (Authorship) The implicit meaning of a text, often a literary one, or a speech or dialogue.
SUBTEXT n. written or printed matter under a more general text.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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