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There are 16 seven-letter words containing B, R, S and V

ADVERBSadverbs n. Plural of adverb.
adverbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adverb.
ADVERB n. a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
BEAVERSbeavers n. Plural of beaver.
beavers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beaver.
Beavers prop.n. A surname.
BOVVERSbovvers n. Plural of bovver.
bovvers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bovver.
BOVVER n. (slang) rowdy or violent behaviour by street gangs.
BRAVERSbravers n. Plural of braver.
BRAVER n. one who braves.
BRAVESTbravest adj. Superlative form of brave: most brave.
bravest n. (Informal) Firefighters.
BRAVE adj. showing courage.
BRAVOESbravoes n. Plural of bravo.
BRAVO n. a hired killer.
BREVETSbrevets n. Plural of brevet.
BREVET v. to confer an honorary military rank upon.
OBSERVEobserve v. (Transitive) To notice or view, especially carefully or with attention to detail.
observe v. (Transitive) To follow or obey the custom, practice, or rules (especially of a religion).
observe v. (Transitive) To take note of and celebrate (a holiday or similar occurrence); to follow (a type of time…
OBVERSEobverse adj. Turned or facing toward the observer.
obverse adj. Corresponding; complementary.
obverse adj. (Botany) Having the base, or end next to the attachment, narrower than the top.
OBVERTSobverts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obvert.
obverts n. Plural of obvert.
OBVERT v. to turn, to show a different surface.
REVERBSreverbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reverb.
REVERB v. (Shakespeare) to echo, reverberate.
SUBVERTsubvert v. (Transitive) To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly.
subvert v. (Transitive) To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to confound.
subvert v. (Transitive) To upturn convention from the foundation by undermining it (literally, to turn from beneath).
VERBALSverbals n. Plural of verbal.
verbals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of verbal.
VERBAL v. to take a police statement.
VERBIDSverbids n. Plural of verbid.
VERBID n. a nonfinite part of a verb.
VERBOSEverbose adj. Containing or using more words than necessary; long-winded, wordy.
verbose adj. (Computing) Producing detailed output for diagnostic purposes.
VERBOSE adj. wordy.
VIBRIOSvibrios n. Plural of vibrio.
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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