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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 6 seven-letter words containing B, P and 2R

PERTURBperturb v. To disturb; to bother or unsettle.
perturb v. (Physics) To slightly modify the motion of an object.
perturb v. (Astronomy) To modify the motion of a body by exerting a gravitational force.
PREBORNpreborn adj. (Chiefly in anti-abortion discourse) Not yet born.
PREBORN adj. being carried in the womb, unborn.
PREVERBpreverb n. (Grammar) A separable verb prefix or a particle that precedes a verb.
preverb n. (Grammar) Any of a class of words in the Chinese language whose function is analogous to the cases…
preverb n. (Grammar) A verbal prefix in the Algonquin languages whose function is analogous to the adjective of other languages.
PROBERSprobers n. Plural of prober.
PROBER n. one who probes.
PROVERBproverb n. A phrase expressing a basic truth which may be applied to common situations.
proverb n. A striking or paradoxical assertion; an obscure saying; an enigma; a parable.
proverb n. A familiar illustration; a subject of contemptuous reference.
REPROBEreprobe v. To probe again.
reprobe v. (Molecular biology) To reapply a chemical probe, usually after a previous probe has been stripped.
REPROBE v. to probe again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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