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There are 20 seven-letter words containing B, 2O and P

BIOPHORbiophor n. (Obsolete, genetics) A supposed supramolecular unit of heredity.
BIOPHOR n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHORE.
BIOTOPEbiotope n. A geographical area that has a uniform biological environment and a uniform distribution of plants and animals.
biotope n. (Figuratively) a context where someone feels ’naturally’ at home, such as their field of professional…
BIOTOPE n. an area having uniform conditions and supporting a particular, uniform association of animal life.
BLOOPEDblooped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bloop.
BLOOP v. in baseball, to hit a short fly ball.
BLOOPERblooper n. (Informal) A blunder, an error.
blooper n. (Baseball, slang) A fly ball that is weakly hit just over the infielders.
blooper n. (Film, informal) A filmed or videotaped outtake that has recorded an amusing accident and/or mistake.
BOWPOTSbowpots n. Plural of bowpot.
BOWPOT n. a pot for boughs as an ornament, also BOUGHPOT.
BOXPLOTboxplot n. Alternative spelling of box plot.
box␣plot n. (Statistics) A graphical summary of a numerical data sample through five statistics: median, lower quartile…
BOXPLOT n. a type of statistical graph.
COPYBOYcopyboy n. Alternative form of copy boy.
copy␣boy n. (Publishing) A boy employed to carry copy and run errands.
COPYBOY n. an office boy.
PLOWBOYplowboy n. A boy plower, a boy who plows.
plowboy n. A boy who helps the plowman by driving the draught animals in front of the plow.
PLOWBOY n. a boy who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOUGHBOY.
POBLANOpoblano n. A mild green chile pepper native to Mexico; when dried, the chilis are called anchos or chiles anchos…
Poblano prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
POBLANO n. a kind of long, wide, dark-green moderately hot chili used esp. in Mexican cooking.
POOBAHSpoobahs n. Plural of poobah.
poo-bahs n. Plural of poo-bah.
Poo-Bahs n. Plural of Poo-Bah.
POORBOXpoorbox n. Alternative form of poor box.
poor␣box n. A locked box with a slot for depositing coins into, usually placed in churches to accept donations for the needy.
POORBOX n. a box, esp. one in a church, used for the collection of alms or money for the poor.
POSTBOXpostbox n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post-box n. Alternative spelling of post box.
post␣box n. A box in which post can be left by a sender to be picked up by a courier or postman (postal worker).
POSTBOYpostboy n. (Historical) A male postilion.
postboy n. A boy who carries letters from the post.
post␣boy n. Alternative form of postboy.
POTBOILpotboil v. To produce inferior creative works in order to make money.
POTBOIL v. to produce an artistic work of poor quality.
POTBOYSpotboys n. Plural of potboy.
pot␣boys n. Plural of pot boy.
POTBOY n. one who collects up empty glasses in a tavern.
PREBOOKprebook v. (Transitive) To book in advance.
PREBOOK v. to book beforehand.
PREBOOMpreboom adj. (Economics) Before a boom.
PREBOOM adj. preceding a sudden expansion of business.
SHOPBOTshopbot n. Shopping bot.
SHOPBOT n. a website that offers price comparisons for particular products.
SHOPBOYshopboy n. A boy employed in a shop.
SHOPBOY n. a boy employed in a shop.
SOAPBOXsoapbox n. (Literally) A crate for packing soap.
soapbox n. (Figuratively) Any physical or media platform which gives prominence to the person on it and the views they espouse.
soapbox n. (Figuratively) A talk about one’s pet topic (or the topic itself), especially when only tangentially…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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