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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing B, N, P and R

BURPINGburping v. Present participle of burp.
burping n. The sound of a burp.
burping n. The act by which a baby, or a container of fermenting substance, is burped.
PARABENparaben n. Any of a group of chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, wherein the hydrogen…
PARABEN n. any of a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
PEBRINEpebrine n. Alternative form of pébrine.
pébrine n. A parasitic disease affecting silkworms.
PEBRINE n. (French) a disease of silkworms.
PREBENDprebend n. (Obsolete) A stipend paid to a canon of a cathedral.
prebend n. (Obsolete) The property or other source of this endowment.
prebend n. Political patronage employment.
PREBINDprebind v. (Transitive) To bind in advance.
PREBIND v. to bind in durable materials for library use.
PREBORNpreborn adj. (Chiefly in anti-abortion discourse) Not yet born.
PREBORN adj. being carried in the womb, unborn.
PROBANDproband n. (Genetics, medicine) An individual who presents with a genetic disorder or other specific characteristic…
PROBAND n. a person with some distinctive characteristic who serves as the starting point for a study of genetic transmission.
PROBANGprobang n. A slender elastic rod, as of whalebone, with a sponge on the end, for removing obstructions from the oesophagus, etc.
PROBANG n. a long flexible rod with a sponge on the end used to remove foreign bodies from the larynx or the esophagus.
PROBINGprobing adj. That investigates or explores deeply; that attempts to elicit information that is concealed.
probing n. The action of investigating or exploring.
probing v. Present participle of probe.
UPBORNEupborne v. Past participle of upbear.
UPBEAR v. to raise aloft.
UPBRINGupbring v. (Obsolete) To bring up.
UPBRING v. to bring up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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