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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing B, 2M and O

BOMMIESbommies n. Plural of bommie.
bommies n. Plural of bommy.
BOMMIE n. (Australian slang) a bombora, a submerged reef.
BROMISMbromism n. (Medicine) poisoning by bromine or bromides.
BROMISM n. poisoning by an overdose of bromine, also BROMINISM.
BROMMERBrommer prop.n. A surname.
BROMMER n. (South African) a bluebottle, also BRUMMER.
BUMMALObummalo n. Bombay duck (flesh of the edible lizardfish).
BUMMALO n. (Marathi) a small marine Asiatic fish used in India as a relish; aka Bombay duck, also BUMALO, BUMALOTI, BUMMALOTI.
BUMMOCKbummock n. (Scotland, obsolete) A brewing of ale.
bummock n. A submerged, downward-projecting piece of ice.
BUMMOCK n. a submerged mass of ice projecting downwards.
EMBLOOMembloom v. (Transitive, rare) To deck or enrich with bloom.
EMBLOOM v. to cover with bloom.
EMBOSOMembosom v. To draw to or into one’s bosom; to treasure.
embosom v. To enclose, surround, or protect.
EMBOSOM v. to embrace, also IMBOSOM.
IMBOSOMimbosom v. Alternative form of embosom.
IMBOSOM v. to embrace, also EMBOSOM.
MAMBOEDmamboed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mambo.
MAMBO v. to dance the mambo.
MAMBOESmamboes n. (Rare) plural of mambo.
MAMBO v. to dance the mambo.
MIOMBOSmiombos n. Plural of miombo.
MIOMBO n. (Bantu) in East Africa, an area of deciduous woodland.
MOBBISMmobbism n. Behaviour characteristic of a mob.
MOBBISM n. mobbish conduct.
MOBSMANmobsman n. (Obsolete) A pickpocket working in groups.
MOBSMAN n. a member of a mob.
MOBSMENmobsmen n. Plural of mobsman.
MOBSMAN n. a member of a mob.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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