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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing B, I, T and X

BAUXITEbauxite n. The principal ore of aluminium; a clay-like mineral, being a mixture of hydrated oxides and hydroxides.
BAUXITE n. an ore of aluminium, also BEAUXITE.
BETWIXTbetwixt prep. (Literary or archaic) Between.
BETWIXT prep. between.
BOXIESTboxiest adj. Superlative form of boxy: most boxy.
BOXY adj. like a box.
BOXTIESboxties n. Plural of boxty.
BOXTY n. an Irish dish of potato griddlecakes, eaten with various fillings.
EXHIBITexhibit v. (Transitive) To display or show (something) for others to see, especially at an exhibition or contest.
exhibit v. (Transitive) To demonstrate.
exhibit v. (Transitive, law) To submit (a physical object) to a court as evidence.
LISTBOXlistbox n. Alternative form of list box.
list␣box n. (Graphical user interface) A GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list…
LISTBOX n. a box on a computer screen that contains a list of options.
TAXICABtaxicab n. A vehicle that passengers hire to take them between locations of their choice, the fare being calculated…
taxicab v. (Intransitive) To travel by taxicab.
TAXICAB n. automobile for hire.
TUBIFEXtubifex n. Any member of the genus Tubifex of tubificid annelids, some of which are used to feed fish in freshwater aquaria.
Tubifex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naididae – certain annelids.
TUBIFEX n. a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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