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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 6 seven-letter words containing B, I, Q and U

BEZIQUEbezique n. A trick-taking card game for two players.
bezique n. The act of taking certain cards in this game: the queen of spades and jack of diamonds, or (if either…
BEZIQUE n. (French) a card game played with two decks of cards.
BISQUESbisques n. Plural of bisque.
BISQUE n. (French) a rich shellfish soup, made with wine and cream, also BISK.
BRIQUETbriquet n. Alternative form of briquette in all its senses.
briquet n. (Dated) Synonym of lighter in reference to any device used to light cigarettes.
briquet v. Alternative form of briquette.
OBLIQUEoblique adj. Not erect or perpendicular; not parallel to, or at right angles from, the base.
oblique adj. Not straightforward; obscure or confusing.
oblique adj. Disingenuous; underhand; morally corrupt.
QUIBBLEquibble n. (Now rare) A pun.
quibble n. An objection or argument based on an ambiguity of wording or similar trivial circumstance; a minor complaint.
quibble v. (Informal, intransitive) To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner.
QUIBLINQUIBLIN n. (obsolete) a quibble, also QUILLET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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