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There are 18 seven-letter words containing B, I, P and T

BAPTISEbaptise v. Alternative form of baptize.
BAPTISE v. to administer baptism, also BAPTIZE.
BAPTISMbaptism n. A Christian sacrament, by which one is received into a church and sometimes given a name, generally…
baptism n. A similar ceremony of initiation, purification or naming.
BAPTISM n. immersion in water as a religious ceremony.
BAPTISTbaptist n. A person who baptizes.
Baptist n. An adherent of a Protestant denomination (or various subdenominations) of Christianity, which believes…
Baptist adj. Of, relating to, or adhering to the Baptist religious denomination.
BAPTIZEbaptize v. (Christianity) To perform the sacrament of baptism by sprinkling or pouring water over someone or immersing…
baptize v. To dedicate or christen.
baptize v. (Archaic, slang) Of rum, brandy, or any other spirits, to dilute with water.
BEPAINTbepaint v. (Transitive) To paint; to cover or color with, or as with, paint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
BESPITSbespits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bespit.
BESPIT v. to spit upon.
BIOPTICbioptic adj. Related to biopsy.
BIOPTIC adj. relating to biopsy.
BIOTOPEbiotope n. A geographical area that has a uniform biological environment and a uniform distribution of plants and animals.
biotope n. (Figuratively) a context where someone feels ’naturally’ at home, such as their field of professional…
BIOTOPE n. an area having uniform conditions and supporting a particular, uniform association of animal life.
BIOTYPEbiotype n. (Genetics) A group of organisms having the same specific genotype.
biotype v. To sort, arrange of classify into such groups.
BIOTYPE n. a set of organisms having the same genetic constitution.
BIPARTYbiparty adj. Involving two parties or entities.
BIPARTY adj. of two parties.
BITMAPSbitmaps n. Plural of bitmap.
bit-maps n. Plural of bit-map.
bit␣maps n. Plural of bit map.
PATIBLEpatible adj. Able to suffer; passible.
patible adj. Capable of being suffered; tolerable, endurable.
PATIBLE adj. capable of suffering or being acted on, also PASSIBLE.
PHOBISTphobist n. (Dated) A person who has a phobia.
PHOBIST n. someone with a phobia.
PIGBOATpigboat n. (Slang, archaic) submarine.
PIGBOAT n. a submarine.
POTBOILpotboil v. To produce inferior creative works in order to make money.
POTBOIL v. to produce an artistic work of poor quality.
PROBITSprobits n. Plural of probit.
PROBIT n. a unit of statistical probability.
PROBITYprobity n. Integrity, especially of the quality of having strong moral principles; decency and honesty.
PROBITY n. complete and confirmed integrity.
UPBUILTupbuilt v. Simple past tense and past participle of upbuild.
UPBUILD v. to build up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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